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Man Built a Shelter for Neighbor's Cat Left Behind, This is What He Found

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

Man Built a Shelter for Neighbor's Cat Left Behind, This is What He Found Empty Man Built a Shelter for Neighbor's Cat Left Behind, This is What He Found

مُساهمة من طرف Ch.Marwen الجمعة 04 مارس 2016, 21:24

Man Built a Shelter for Neighbor's Cat Left Behind, This is What He Found
Man Built a Shelter for Neighbor's Cat Left Behind, This is What He Found

A man built a shelter for a neighbor's cat that was left out in the cold, hoping this poor kitty would use it. Then one day, this is what he found.

Man Built a Shelter for Neighbor's Cat Left Behind, This is What He Found 980x

When Justin saw his neighbor's cat wander around outside all night long, he decided to make a cold weather cat shelter for him and the local cats in the neighborhood. As a volunteer of Berea Animal Rescue Friends, a no-kill shelter located in Berea, Ohio, Justin has a big heart for animals and is owned by 6 cats.

He used two rubbermaid containers with insulation in between and insulated bedding inside to build the shelter. It was a very cold night when he got the shelter set up by the doorstep. 

Man Built a Shelter for Neighbor's Cat Left Behind, This is What He Found 980x

After his neighbor moved, the cat was left behind in the dead winter. Justin started feeding the kitty and giving him water, hoping he would use the shelter to stay warm. 

Then the day came when he saw what he'd been waiting for, "I found him huddled for warmth in the cat shelter I built," Justin said. 

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It was a rewarding moment that he knew the kitty is going to be all right.

Man Built a Shelter for Neighbor's Cat Left Behind, This is What He Found 980x

The ginger cat was named Waffles and Justin has already made arrangements to get Waffles to his forever loving home.

"Waffles is going to be picked up on Friday by somebody in Cleveland. They're driving him to Columbus to his forever home," Justin told Love Meow.

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Waffles loving his new bed.

Man Built a Shelter for Neighbor's Cat Left Behind, This is What He Found 980x

"Waffles was really cold after being outside so long so I gave him a little towel blanket to sleep with," Justin said.

Man Built a Shelter for Neighbor's Cat Left Behind, This is What He Found 980x

"This towel will smell like him and be in the cat carrier he'll be inside on his trip down to Columbus and his forever home."
الادارة العليا
الادارة العليا

المتصفح : Google Chrome
الإقامة : Republic of Tunisia
الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 25405
نقاط : 103330942
تقييم : 7859
تاريخ الميلاد : 14/01/1990
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/02/2012
العمر : 34


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