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Download Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean

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Love Download Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean

مُساهمة من طرف Ch.Marwen الإثنين 24 نوفمبر 2014, 10:47

Here is the official S7390XWUANA1 Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean firmware update for the Samsung Galaxy Fresh GT-S7390. Samsung yet to release any Android 4.2 Jelly Bean or later version for the Galaxy Fresh S7390, hope the Smartphone will get later version of Android soon. Till then you can update your phone to the latest available firmware which is currently rolled out for several countries (list of countries with download link available below). There are two official ways to install the update, one is through system inbuilt OTA update feature from Settings>>About Phone>>Software Update and other is through Samsung KIES utility. But, if you are looking for any manual way to update your Galaxy Fresh S7390 to XWUANA1 Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean firmware then follow our tutorial for a manual update. Please note, this tutorial don’t require a custom recovery such as CWM recovery or a rooted Galaxy Fresh S7390 because to install this firmware we will use ODIN utility. After installing official firmware XWUANA1Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean you can always root your Galaxy Fresh S7390 with the help of proper rooting method.
Download Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean Samsung-Galaxy-Fresh-GT-S7390
Continue reading this page to install XWUANA1 Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean official firmware update in Galaxy Fresh S7390 using ODIN. However, before moving towards installation of firmware we recommend you to backup your apps and other personal data. Although, installing official firmware restore everything if your Android device was running on official firmware before flashing this latest XWUANA1 Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean firmware but it always better to have a backup. Also manual backup let you move your personal data from one manufacturer to another; for example you can use Samsung Galaxy Note 2 data to HTC Butterfly. In below written tutorial we not only direct you towards a step-by-step guide to update Galaxy Fresh S7390 to XWUANA1 Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean using Odin but also give you necessary tips to safe guard your data.

Download Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean S7390XWUANA1 Firmware:

Download right firmware for your Galaxy Fresh S7390 from the below list. Note that, firmware here which are Unbranded or not carrier branded, regardless of country or region, can be flash on any Galaxy Fresh S7390.
Ukraine (Kyivstar): S7390XWUANA1_S7390OXEANA1_SEK.zip
Russia: S7390XWUANA1_S7390OXEANA1_SER.zip
Kazakhstan: S7390XWUANA1_S7390OXEANA1_SKZ.zip
Uzbekistan: S7390XWUANA1_S7390OXEANA1_CAC.zip
[Firmware for rest of the countries will be update here when available]
We at Droid Firmwares write tutorial to help out fellow Android users but all this guide are educational purpose only. You should try this guide at your own risk. Neither we nor the developer should be responsible if your Android device experience a damage after following this tutorial. Also remember,this guide is only applicable for Galaxy Fresh S7390. Don’t try this guide in any other Android device. It may hard brick your device.
Pre Requisites:
As there is always some risk involve while you install anything other than what you have presently. It’s always recommended to follow our pre-requisites to stay safe.
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[*]Backup your important data such as SMS, Call Log, Contacts, APN and MMS settings. You can follow our Android backup guide for this. It’s also a good idea to backup your internal memory content to external SD card, specially if you need to perform any wiping task during or after installation process.
[*]If your device turn off during the installation process unless explicitly mentioned on this tutorial then it may experience a hard brick. That’s why, it’s good idea to check battery percentage before following this tutorial. Usually, the phone should have 60% or more power when you flash a custom ROM or firmware. Firmware installation can be done with 25% or more power when the device is connected to computer using USB and get charge through it. It will be fine to have 30% or more if you going to root a firmware. Learn How to Check Battery Percentage in Android phones.
[*]USB Debugging mode should be turned of if it’s disabled otherwise you can’t transfer file using USB cable. Learn: How to Enable/Disable USB Transfer on Android Devices.
[*]Another thing you should note that nearly all our tutorial at Droid Firmwares is for carrier unlocked and bootloader unlocked devices. You shouldn’t try to install it on a locked device unless explicitly mentioned anywhere in tutorial.


Download Galaxy Fresh S7390 Latest USB Drivers

Since you will need to connect your Smartphone to your PC, so you will need to have your Galaxy Fresh S7390 drivers installed on your computer. Visit our USB Driver Download page. If you can access your mobile content in your PC when both are connected then you already have it.
So, you have done everything that we mentioned above, right! Now, as you have taken necessary precaution, you are ready to move towards next page where we summed up detail instruction on how to install XWUANA1 Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean official firmware update on Galaxy Fresh S7390.
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المتصفح : Google Chrome
الإقامة : Republic of Tunisia
الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 25405
نقاط : 103330942
تقييم : 7859
تاريخ الميلاد : 14/01/1990
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/02/2012
العمر : 34


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