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The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012 Empty The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012

مُساهمة من طرف Ch.Marwen الأحد 20 أكتوبر 2013, 14:55

Forbes magazine yesterday unveiled its list of the ten best-paid models in 2012. And without any surprise, Gisele Bundchen tops. With $ 42 million of revenue for the past year, the beautiful retains his title of "top best paid in the world." With $ 7.2 million - or 6 times less than the Brazilian - Miranda Kerr takes the second place. The Victoria's Secret Angel Adriana Lima climb on the third step of the podium, with 6 million small... Following in pictures
The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012 Gisele-bundchen
 Gisele Bündchen
The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012 Miranda-kerr
Miranda Kerr
Miranda Kerr: $ 7.2 million. The Australian since 2009 has its own cosmetics line, Kora Organics.
The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012 Adriana-lima
Adriana Lima
Adriana Lima: $ 6M. This is the oldest face of the lingerie brand Victoria's Secret.

The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012 Kate-moss
Kate Moss
Kate Moss: $ 5.7 million. The Dean of the ranking string of contracts. This year, it is found in Vogue Eyewear, Rimmel and Versace.

The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012 Liu-wen
Liu Wen

Liu Wen: $ 4.3 million. She was the first Chinese to join the angels of Victoria's Secret.

The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012 Hilary-rhoda-
Hilary Rhoda

Hilary Rhoda: $ 4 million. Muse Ralph Lauren and Victoria's Secret, she recently joined the Nike and Hugo Boss stables.

The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012 Carolyn-murphy
Carolyn Murphy

Carolyn Murphy $ 3.6 million. She is the face of Estee Lauder since 2001.

The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012 Joan-smalls-
Carolyn Murphy
Joan Smalls: $ 3.5 million. The Puerto Rican integrates for the first time Forbes.

The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012 Candice-swanepoel-
Candice Swanepoel

Candice Swanepoel: $ 3.3 million. South Africa has joined the merry band of Victoria's Angels and appears on the Versace campaigns.

The Top 10 of Forbes' highest-paid models in 2012 Lara-stone
Lara Stone
Lara Stone: $ 3.2 million. Calvin Klein muse noted for his voluptuous in 2010, she closes the standings.
الادارة العليا
الادارة العليا

المتصفح : Google Chrome
الإقامة : Republic of Tunisia
الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 25405
نقاط : 103330942
تقييم : 7859
تاريخ الميلاد : 14/01/1990
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/02/2012
العمر : 34


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