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Top 10 Best US Cities to Live in

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

Top 10 Best US Cities to Live in Empty Top 10 Best US Cities to Live in

مُساهمة من طرف محمد بن عاشور الخميس 16 أكتوبر 2014, 12:47

Top 10 Best US Cities to Live in Best-Cities-To-Live-In1

It is said that home is not a place, but a feeling. However, it is a fact that some US cities tend to be safer and less polluted than others. Some cities are thriving in many aspects, and residents have a better chance to land a stable, lucrative job and the peace of mind that comes with it. That being said, here are the top 10 best US cities to live in:

1. Austin 

One of the best cities to live in is certainly the Texas capital of Austin, which is well known for its excellent music and its very low unemployment rate. Also Austin is home to no less than eight colleges and universities, making it a perfect place for families with children. The water and air are clean, the transportation network is flawless, and the weather is outstanding as well, with an average winter low of just 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Homes are quite affordable as well; a medium-sized house can be purchased for just under $200,000. Austin is certainly an excellent place to be if you are education-oriented and are looking for a lucrative career, especially in the academic field.

2. San Diego 

Another great place to live is San Diego. What makes San Diego stand out is the always-pleasant weather, which has attracted more than a million people to reside there. If you are looking for a city right next to the ocean, with sandy beaches and clean waters, then you should certainly put San Diego at the top of your list. San Diego is also a great place to live if you are passionate about outdoor activities like hiking or mountain biking. The annual income of San Diego residents is around $60,000, although this varies widely based on your particular field.

3. Atlanta 

Atlanta is a great city to live in from many points of view. It’s a winner from an architectural and structural standpoint, and the transportation network is very well-organized – there are more than 30 commuter trains connecting the various sections of the city. The job outlook is very good as well, and although Atlanta does not rank the highest when it comes to air quality, it is generally a safe and comfortable place to raise children.

4. Denver 

Denver is known for promoting healthy, active living – and delicious healthy eating, too – making it a fantastic place to live if you are into ecology, forestry, outdoor sports and activities, or if you are looking for a place to live an overall healthy lifestyle.

5. Kansas City 

Kansas City, which straddles the states of Missouri and Kansas, is another great place to live, especially since it is less crowded than other cities on this list. Kansas City has an overall population of less than one million, making it a great place to live if you are looking for a quiet and safe medium-sized city. Another very attractive thing about Kansas City is the low home prices – you can get a very nice home here for a little over $150,000, which is considerably lower than the national average. The overall living costs are low as well.

6. Portland 

Portland, Oregon is also ranked as one of the best US cities to live in, especially if you are into great food and drink and movies. There are dozens of cinemas in Portland, not to mention the foreign film festivals that take place there regularly. Portland is a very eco-friendly city as well, and there is a very strong cycling culture.
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عدد المساهمات : 84
نقاط : 245
تقييم : 13
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/10/2014


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