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Teams charge for regional championships

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

Teams charge for regional championships Empty Teams charge for regional championships

مُساهمة من طرف Ch.Marwen الجمعة 03 أبريل 2015, 01:31

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As we wind down to the end of the regular season, teams all over the world are fighting to win their regional championships. Pride, glory and the chance to play in the Mid-Season Invitational are on the line.
See how each of the regions is shaping up and learn about your favorite teams' path to the championship.

North America

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The Playoffs begin Saturday April 4, where the top six teams from the region will battle in a single-elimination bracket. Along with the chance to be NA Champions comes with Championship points that go towards team's chances to go to Worlds, and a spot in the Mid-Season Invitational.
You can catch the NA LCS Playoffs at watch.lolesports.com on Saturday April 4.


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Similar to NA, the European LCS is in Week 9 and the playoffs begin Saturday, April 4, where EU's top six teams will fight for the title. In addition to the Championship points, the winner of EU LCS will earn a spot in the Mid-Season Invitational.
You can catch the EU LCS Playoffs at watch.lolesports.com on Saturday, April 4.


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League Champions Korea (LCK) begins their playoffs Friday, April 17, where the top four teams will battle in Best of 5 matches. Similar to the LCS format, Circuit Points will be up for grabs as well as a spot in the Mid-Season Invitational.
While GE Tigers and SK Telecom T1 have locked in Playoff spots, the other two spots are still up for grabs. Currently CJ Entus and Jin Air Green Wings have the inside track, but anything can happen in the last few games.
You can watch the LCK Playoffs at watch.lolesports.com on Friday, April 17.


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The League of Legends Pro League (LPL) begins Playoffs on April 14, where the top eight teams will fight in a marathon bracket. The Playoffs in LPL are double-elimination and each match is a Best of 5.
EDward Gaming cannot be knocked out of first place, and both OMG and Snake Esports have confirmed spots in the Playoffs, but all other spots are still contested.
Be sure to tune into the final matches of the regular season to see who will earn their way into the Playoffs. You can watch the LPL Playoffs at watch.lolesports.com at Tuesday, April 14.


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The League Master Series begins their Playoffs on April 10, where the top four teams will play in a gauntlet style bracket. First Hong Kong Esports and AHQ e-Sports will play each other. The winner of the HKE vs AHQ match will play against TPA, with the winner of that playing yFW.
The winner of the Playoffs will earn a spot at the Mid-Season Invitational.
What Playoffs are you all most excited for? Stay tuned to lolesports.com for all the five major leagues’ Playoffs as well as coverage of the International Wild Card Invitational.
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